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Energy Audit

The detailed study for energy conservation options of various energy sources like electricity and LPG in the buildings.

The broad scope of study will be as per the following Review of present electricity & other fuel usage scenario and estimation of energy consumption in various load centers like lighting, air-conditioning, water pumping etc.

A) Electrical Distribution System

(i) Review of present electrical distribution like, cable loading, normal and emergency loads, electricity distribution in various areas/ floors etc.

 (ii) Study of Reactive Power Management and option for power factor improvement

B) Lighting System


 (i) Review of present lighting system, lighting inventories etc.

 (ii) Estimation of lighting load at various locations like different floors,  pump house, laboratories, washrooms and all other  locations.

(iii) Detail Lux level survey at various locations and comparison with acceptable standards.

(iv) Study of present lighting control system and recommend for improvement.

(v) Analysis of lighting performance indices like Lux/m2, lux/ watt, lux/watt/m2 and comparison with norms of high rise buildings.

(vi) Exploring the Energy Conservation Options (ENCON) in lighting system.

C) Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning System (HVAC System)


(i) Review of present HVAC system like central AC, split AC, package AC, Water Coolers and Air Heaters etc.

(ii) Performance assessment of split AC and package AC system.

 (iv) Analysis of HVAC Performance like estimation of Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER i.e. kW/TR), Specific Energy Consumption (SEC) of Chilled Water Pumps, Condenser Water Pumps etc. and comparison of the operating data with the design data.

 (v) Exploring the Energy Conservation Options (ENCON) in HVAC system.

  D) Water Pumping Systems


(i) Review of water pumping, storage and distribution systems.

E) Motor Load Survey

(i) Conducting the motor load survey.

F) Others

 (i) Review of present maintenance practice, replacement policies and building safety practices as applicable to high rising buildings and recommend for improvements.

(ii) Lux level, power factor and COP and energy efficiency of various energy consuming systems used in the buildings for which energy audit shall be carried out along with specifications; make of testing equipments shall be used in the study

Auditoría energética

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